Advanced Eye Surgery Center participates with the following health plans:
For specific coverage determination, please contact our office. Detailed benefit information can be discussed with a member of our staff. Financial considerations can be discussed with our billing department. Advanced Eye Surgery Center is partnered with Care Credit to provide interest free financing (credit approval required). To apply online, please visit Care Credit’s website by clicking here or you can apply over the phone by calling (800) 677-0718.
n accordance with Florida law, the facility is required to let you know that you may or may not pay less for the services at another facility or in another health care setting.
Please know that your attending doctor who booked your procedure(s) at the facility may not be on the medical staff of such other facilities or health care settings.
Furthermore, your attending physician who booked your procedures to be done at this facility, and other health care providers not limited to but as example anesthesiologists, intraoperative monitoring services, durable medical suppliers, and anatomical pathologists may provide services to you at the facility that are not a part of facility’s fees. If any of their services are provided to you while being a patient of this facility, the provider(s) will bill separately for their services rendered.
Patients and prospective patients may request from this facility and other health care providers a more personalized estimate of charges and other information including specific contact information prior to service.
Patients and prospective patients should contact each health care practitioner who will provide services in the facility or as an external service to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations (HMO) with which the health care practitioner participates as a network provider or preferred provider.
Some of the services provided in our surgery center are performed by other health care providers who will separately bill you for their services. These health care providers may or may not participate with the same insurances as Advanced Eye Surgery Center. To receive the most accurate information, please contact the individual providers to determine your coverage. (Contact information listed below)
Contracted Service Providers
As of August 4, 2020, the following providers render services to patients of this surgery center:
Anesthesiology Services
Valant Associates Anesthesia Services
266 NW Peacock Blvd. Ste. 205 Port St Lucie, FL 34986
Phone: (772) 446-4883
Fax: (772) 446-4875
Billing Inquires (for all patient billing questions):
United Medical Billing
Phone: (321) 203-5947
Fax: (888) 371-6326
Pathology Services
Pathology Associates of Indian River
1710 36th St, BLG A Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Phone: 772-567-7088
You can visit their website by clicking here.
Dermpath Diagnostics Central Florida
745 Orienta Avenue, Ste 1201 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Phone: (800) 226-8968
Billing and invoice questions, please call (866) 312-7133
This facility submits specimens to different laboratories so please inquire with the facility as to which one will be used. Some laboratories may engage other labs to assist in analyzing the patient’s specimen.
Please contact the facility directly for guidance during regular business hours for assistance. Questions related to financial assistance, payment plans, charity care policy, and collection procedures are always welcomed and encouraged if they arise.
Payment Bundle Resources
Information on payments made to the facility for defined bundles of services and procedures is available at http://pricing.floridahealthfinder.gov/. The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services, and actual costs will be based on services actually provided to the patient. The patient can request a personalized estimate from the center at any time before or after the procedure is performed. Patients should contact the health care practitioners anticipated to provide services to the patient while in the center regarding a personalized estimate, billing practices and participation with the patient’s insurance provider or HMO as the practitioners may not participate with the same insurers or HMO as the center.
Collection Process
Payment of your share of estimated charges is expected in full prior to or on the day of your procedure. For your convenience, we accept cash, personal checks, Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express. Patients may incur, and are responsible for payment of additional charges, if the proposed procedure(s) changes or if additional implants and/or supplies are required at the discretion of your surgeon. As a courtesy, we will file an insurance claim on behalf of the patient to his/her insurance plan. Any remaining patient charges upon claim adjudication by the payer are to be paid in a timely manner. If the patient is unable to pay for their full estimated patient responsibility prior to or on the day of the procedure, the patient may be offered a short-term payment plan with a minimum down payment or may secure financing through an outside source. Please contact our business office for further information.
You may receive separate bills for the following services: your Physician or Surgeon, Anesthesia (if you received general anesthesia or it was necessary for a nurse anesthetist or an anesthesiologist to be available for your procedure), Laboratory, if they were required by your physician, and/or Pathology, if tissues or specimens were removed during surgery. Any questions regarding these services should be directed to the billing offices of the appropriate provider.
Uninsured Discount
Patients who are not eligible to receive services paid for by insurance or other third-party payment sources may be eligible to receive an uninsured discount. This discount does not apply for cosmetic surgery services as defined by the center. If a patient’s services are subsequently found to be covered by insurance or by a third-party payment source, the uninsured discount may not be allowed. Please contact our business office for further information.
Financial Assistance Application Process
Hardship/Charity Discount
Hardship and Charity discount maybe available for financial assistance to patients who are in need of medically necessary care and do not qualify for state or Federal assistance; but are unable to pay the estimated or remaining financial responsibility in part or in full. A patient must meet the policy’s household income qualifications which are based on published Federal Poverty Level Guidelines (revised annually). Submission of supporting documentation is required to validate a patient’s qualifying status. Please contact our business office for further information.
Patients may access the State of Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration website at this link for information about this facility: http://www.floridahealthfinder.gov. Health-related data, including quality measures and statistics that are disseminated by the agency pursuant to s. 408.05 are electronically available by clicking here. (https://m.flsenate.gov/Statutes/408.05)
Advanced Eye Surgery Center Providers
William J. Mallon, M.D.
Adam M. Katz, M.D.
Alexander D. Blandford, M.D.
Edward S. Branigan III, M.D.
Derek H. Ohlstein, M.D.
3500 US HWY 1 Vero Beach, FL 32960
Phone: 772-770-1445
Surgery center fax number: 772.770.1445